Corporate Services

Nominee Services

The investor nominates a Vietnamese individual to manage contributed capital, or shares and/or represent the investor to hold key positions in the company in Vietnam.

90% of foreign investors

Using CRM platform

Partner with leading advisors & service providers

Strong relationships with governmental agencies in Vietnam

Love to hear client's feeback

13 Years of experience

Nominee Director/ Legal Representative/ Chairperson

A Vietnamese individual is appointed to hold the role of Director/Legal Representative/Chairperson to manage and operate all activities of the enterprise. The scope of work performed by the nominee will be at the discretion of the owner based on a mutual agreement,

    • 1. Services

      - Search and appoint an individual to act as a nominee to manage contributed capital, shares, holding key positions in the company such as Shareholders, Members, Directors, Heads of representative offices, Heads of branches...
      - Draft and negotiate nominee agreement.
      - Supervise the performance of the nominee’s committed obligations under the nominee agreement.
      - At your request, we will help you manage the seal, digital signature, bank account information, essential documents of the company in Vietnam to ensure the independence and objectivity between the nominee and the company.

    • 2. How to proceed?

      • Communicate through CRM system or email phone, online or face-to-face meetings to define and understand your objectives in Vietnam;
      • Analysis of investors' goals and propose a nominee model based on the analysis results;
      • Develop procedures and accompanying measures to manage the nominee's activities;
      • Provide an account for you to access our CRM system to monitor the activities of the nominee.

    Nominee Owner / Shareholder

    A Vietnamese individual is appointed to establish a company on your behalf or to represent the actual investor to manage its capital/shares in the Company Vietnam. The nominee’s activities will be carried out in accordance with the agreement with the investor.

      • 1. Services

        - Search and appoint an individual to act as a nominee to manage contributed capital, shares, holding key positions in the company such as Shareholders, Members, Directors, Heads of representative offices, Heads of branches...
        - Draft and negotiate nominee agreement.
        - Supervise the performance of the nominee’s committed obligations under the nominee agreement.
        - At your request, we will help you manage the seal, digital signature, bank account information, essential documents of the company in Vietnam to ensure the independence and objectivity between the nominee and the company.

      • 2. How to proceed?

        • Communicate through CRM system or email phone, online or face-to-face meetings to define and understand your objectives in Vietnam;
        • Analysis of investors' goals and propose a nominee model based on the analysis results;
        • Develop procedures and accompanying measures to manage the nominee's activities;
        • Provide an account for you to access our CRM system to monitor the activities of the nominee.

      Nominee Authorized Representative

      Vietnamese individual is appointed to act as an authorized representative to manage a part or all of the company’s affairs as designated by the investor or represent the actual investor to manage its capital/shares in the Company. The nominee’s activities will be carried out under the nominee agreement with the investor and the investor has the right to cancel this appointment at any tim.

        • 1. Services

          - Search and appoint a nominee to represent the actual investor to manage the company’s affairs or manage its capital/shares in the company in Vietnam.
          - Draft and negotiate nominee agreement.
          - Supervise the performance of the nominee’s committed obligations under the nominee agreement.

        • 2. How to proceed?

          • Communicate through CRM system or email phone, online or face-to-face meetings to define and understand your objectives in Vietnam;
          • Analysis of investors' goals and propose a nominee model based on the analysis results;
          • Develop procedures and accompanying measures to manage the nominee's activities;
          • Provide an account for you to access our CRM system to monitor the activities of the nominee.

        Simplifying your legal work
        in Vietnam